
"男/女朋友 有 D 乜o野拍拖好去處?"

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"男/女朋友 有 D 乜o野拍拖好去處?"
各位情場老手, 任Post唔嬲.

2 則留言:

匿名 說...

Its nice to spend a warm sunny afternoon at The Distillery. Its They have nice cafe/dessert places, usually with a patio area. Art exhibits showing some one-of-a-kind pieces...shops (overpriced but still got nice things to look at) Not sure if they are open during the colder seasons though...



阿芝 說...

I would recommand Yorkville at downtown, they have nice restaurants & shops, you can spend the afternoon there, for lunch & coffee....very relaxing....plus if your other half likes to go shopping, you can always bring her/him to the Bloor Street, just next to Yorkville....Wooohoooo! And then at night, take her/him to the Koarean Town, just walk down to Bloor Street, pass U of T...lots of Korean Restaurants which they are very different from the ones in up town.


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