

如何愛一個自己看不起o既人...若看不起, 還叫愛嗎?

22 則留言:

阿謙 說...

愛一個人, 你唔一定會接受她所有既缺點, 但你會有耐性去改變或接受佢. 但係如果你對她的情感淡化, 她的缺點就會變成「篤眼篤鼻」- 覺得佢乞人憎, 見佢前憎佢後. 這樣的關係還叫愛嗎?

匿名 說...

Um...actually I don't really get what the question is asking about and I wonder how the initiator of the question comes up with this.

匿名 說...



阿芝 說...

如果不接受他/她的缺點又何為愛呢? 兩人相處之道, 跟本就要學識怎樣包容同接納對方. 這個世界跟本 就沒有完美, 完美只會在電視世界出現!

匿名 說...

愛有好多種﹐ 想這是其中一個吧。問題有D怪又有D難﹐我想首先這是兩個階段不同的感受。愛一開始是糊裡糊塗的﹐只會看到那人閃光的地方。真的相處了﹐又會發覺這不是自己所尋覓的﹐更有甚者﹐會覺得看不起。再回頭看﹐其實那一開始能說是愛嗎﹖還是那一點虛榮心﹐人有我有的心態作怪吧﹐ 有人對你好就先用住先﹐到你真的覺得不對﹐甚至看不起﹐就是時候該放手了﹐因為那點的虛榮和那點的新鮮已經EXPIRED,當然時間也在當中發揮了不少化學作用﹐好鄹好散﹐為人為己。P.S.開始發覺你看不起那個人﹐其實就好清楚﹐ 緣盡了。

匿名 說...

當你看不起那個人, it doesn't mean you don't love him. It just means you don't have enough love to tolerate and accept both good and bads of him. If you truly love a person.. You'd willing to sacrifice something that is crossing your bottom line.. and it should happen naturally.. without forcing yourself to. That.. I'm still learning because we all do believe there must be a better one waiting outthere and we don't have to sacrifice ourselves. but . is that 'someone' really existed?

A feeling is a feeling, it tells only black and white from your mind but never grey. It is just like a thorn in your heart, once you accept it. it'll stay in your heart forever. You can never take it out nor change it because it sticks rite in the middle of your heart..As time goes by. it might die BUT it'd still exisited. The question really is..will you pick the beautiful rose while you know there's thorn underneath it.
"IS the BEAUTY of YOUR rose fulfilled what you NEEDS?" remember. it's NEEDS.. something you must have.. the answer will tell.
Angel Hair

匿名 說...

虛榮心? 他/她是一個有感覺人不是什麼東西或物件用來SHOWOFF! 是他/她不是它...太自私la!!

匿名 說...

I believe that when 2 people are in a relationship, they both have to accept and tolerate his/her goods and bads. You can't just always complain your loved one's drawbacks, you must accept that he/she has something that you don't like. I mean nobody is perfect. Therefore, you need to TREASURE what he/she got. And through that, the 2 of you can work out anything. Tolerating and accepting your beloved's goods and bads are the road to happiness. This is the life of any relationship in the world.

匿名 說...

Personally, I don't see how one can love someone he or she doesn't respect, so the question is a bit strange to me...

匿名 說...

LittleGue, when you say respect, do you mean respect his personalities, characteristics or what? When you say you need to respect him, he must have something that you can respect him for, right? Otherwise, you wouldn't start in a relationship with him at the beginning, right?

匿名 說...

now respect is simple. u can respect a friend, or even a stranger in a polite way. but here. I believe they're talking about even if you need to admire him/her for you to fall in love. Is this a need?

Angel Hair.

匿名 說...

For me, I believe in feelings.
I have never really considered whether to love a person or not based on whether "she" is better than me or not, in any regards. Over the years, I find that a person is respectful in one way or another. He/She may not be respectful in one way, but he/she is always respectful in some other way. You just have to pay closer attention to find out....it may be hard to find....but there is ALWAYS some attibutes in a person that is respectful. If you can't find it, that's because you have spent enough time looking for it. If you are a person that don't want to spend another second trying to discover that little (maybe even tiny) something about the other person and use that to motivate you to love that person, then maybe you are the one that doesn't deserve any respect, or to be loved.

匿名 說...

"now respect is simple. u can respect a friend, or even a stranger in a polite way. but here. I believe they're talking about even if you need to admire him/her for you to fall in love. Is this a need? "

Yeah, that's what I mean... if you don't even respect the person more than a stranger or friend, how is it possible to love that person?

匿名 說...

Yes, love is all about RESPECT. Its really true that No Respect = No true love! I actually been thru this myself. If you still stay with that person when you don't repect him, its only because of other reasons, or you haven't notice that you don't repect him. Once you do, the love will be over! Its just hard to have a happy ending with a man you don't respect. However, love is truly blind, its possible that you will respect a man who are being looked down by everyone else. A man you don't respect, you will just disagree with everything he does or the way he thinks; you will just find more and more turn-offs in him as time goes by.

匿名 說...

if you find more and nmore turns-offs. does that really mean it's over or the excitment is just over? which is normal as times goes by.

Angel Hair.

匿名 說...

Just want to get a feedback from anyone, when 2 people just start a relationship, does it have to be equally contributed? I mean one of them might willingly to give out more because of his/her love over the other person. I think for any couples out in the world, there must be some differences between the 2 when talking about contribution, right?

匿名 說...

The reason for my "more and more turn-offs" were because I get to know that guy more and I disagree with more things about him, therefore I cannot respect him anymore. So to answer your question, yes it will be over once you get to that point, even if not over, you wont be happy staying with a guy you can't respect. It wasn't about "the sparks are all gone"...cos if there are no more sparks, no necessary mean the love is over, you simple move on to the next level, more stable, less excitment, but the love could be actually deeper. But once you can't respect your man, better end it then suffer later. That was exactly what happened to my last relationship, u got to trust me on this one sis, the love is so much more enjoyable when you love a man you respect :-p

匿名 說...

I am not talking about respect here. I am talking about giving out what you have to your other half; how I am willing to give out all I have to her. I wouldn't mind she doesn't do the same equal amount or even much less. As long as she knows that what I have done and treasure them, I will be happy as well. By the way, I am not a girl.

匿名 說...

Oh, because the topic posted here is about "Respect" and how can you love someone you "look down" on, thats why I kept talking about it ...anyways, you are correct, what you give out doesnt have to be equal to what you will receive...as long as both of you can comprimise and be happy about it, its all fine...I think most important is to NOT 'counting' the amount of effort (or love) each person is putting out,if you count, that means you mind and it's going to lead to arguments.

匿名 說...

Thanks for the reply. Well, I am not "counting" on how much I have given out, but if I haven't told her what I have done, and how much effort I have put in, she doesn't seem like she is treasuring what I have done to her. I really hope she can really understand and treasure it one day, and not complaining about me that other people have which I don't.

匿名 說...

I see...oh well, anyhow I hope you and your girlfriend can always work things out, can always happy with each other :)

匿名 說...

ya thanks, i hope so too :)


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