
每週一句 (阿芝)

遇到失落識去搵避難所o既人有很多, 但怎樣去維修及保存o既人又有幾多個?

4 則留言:

Guo Ming Li 說...

I think it's similar to the fact that the cost to maintain an old car cost much more than getting a new car.

That's just my thought, it doesn't mean that's what I do. :P

匿名 說...

這一句用來做個人Promo都唔錯! 後面加多一句 "信我啦" 好次種烈!!

阿芝 說...

Nah...buying an old house is better than buying a new house, coz you get all the upgrades + a finished basement!! Hee hee..

Not that I don't like New Houses...ha ha.

匿名 說...

Not to mention when you get a new house, the closing date may keep getting pushed back, depending on what benefits the builder the most!


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