
每週一句 (阿謙)

感情裡, 搵個唔穿的水泡唔難, 但搵個唔穿而又可以游足全程的水泡就好難. 所以要學識游水.

4 則留言:

匿名 說...

waa.. i dunno how to swim wor..
oh NOOOO...

yay~ yau blog to 8! kekee..

*guess who =P

匿名 說...

cool Quote.! but..... I don't know how to swim...I have to find and find and find and find AN! unbreakable one!!! haha

Guo Ming Li 說...

But the probability of drowning is much much higher when swimming without the swim-ring. So would you rather find a good and lasting swim-ring or learn to swim without it?

匿名 說...

有D人識搵水泡但又唔識穿, 學識游水又如可?! 記住鯊魚密近。


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