
Define: 幸福

"幸福 ~ 可以是他為您烹調的一碗白粥般便宜,也可以是買給您的一枚鑽戒般名貴"

各位點睇 ?


香港 Vs. 加拿大

香港 手機滲透率, 每人有1.3部
加拿大 手機滲透率, 每人有0.3部

香港 空氣污染平均評分, 86 (最高100度)
加拿大 空氣污染平均評分, 36


你 是 否 容 易 忘 情 ?

想知你/妳係唔係一個容 易 忘 情既人.... 做o下測驗就知道!



Las Vegas Trip

Wish you all have a wonderful christmas time with your families and friends. Happy new year to all of you!!! Yep, as some of you might know that I was away for a week to Las Vegas during Christmas....I had lots of fun there. The most exciting thing that I did was riding the extreme roller coaster on top of the Stratosphere Hotel, the tower is like 1,123 feet tall which only 200 feet shorter than CN tower. Another new thing that I tried is smoking a strawberry cigar....hmm....taste wired though....ha ha....also I tried the Oxygen Bar which they are very popular in Vegas & Japan; I always wanted to try since I first saw in Japan. The Bar owner told me that the Oxygen will give you more energy....yea right....coz I drank a "Red Bull" while I was inhaling their oxygen. After this trip, I think I gain a lot of weight, coz the buffets there were so nice, except the one in Luxor....never go there guys when you are in Vegas....Sucky buffet ever. Rio offered the best seafood buffet, they have all you can eat Oyster, Lobster, Crab & all other kind of seafood + their prim ribs are very delicious...yum yum. We ate 112 Oysters in total....ha ha.

By the way, below is the link to view our photos in Las Vegas....you are all welcome to share our happiness. Wish you all the best in year 2007!

Photos Here



"男/女朋友 有 D 乜o野拍拖好去處?"

一個由匿名讀者提出o既Topic :

"男/女朋友 有 D 乜o野拍拖好去處?"
各位情場老手, 任Post唔嬲.


如果你/妳發現好朋友同一時間愛上了你/妳的心儀對像, 怎樣辦呢? 放棄? 定係公平競爭? ... 可能嗎?



一個由匿名讀者提出o既Topic :

"在錯的時間愛上對的人" - 係幸福? 係辛苦? 係無奈?



蘇丹, 根據該國法律, 如果妻子不忠, 丈夫甚至可以用亂石將她打死.

美國, 每千人當中就有多於四個人坐監。南非緊隨其後。

7 大爆笑IQ題 (olee 著)

答案會o係下個星期由 olee 揭嘵!


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